Over many decades, Dussur’s shareholders have been at the core of Saudi Arabia’s industrialization journey, playing a critical role in the economy and creating countless employment opportunities.
Dussur is a key component of the Kingdom’s vision to create a globally competitive industrial sector based on innovation that will act as a major tool for transforming national resources into sustainable wealth.
Saudi Arabian Public Investment Fund (PIF)
The Public Investment Fund (PIF) was established by Royal Decree in 1971 to provide financing support to productive projects which are commercial in nature, of strategic significance to the development of the national economy, and cannot be implemented by the private sector alone either because of insufficient experience or inadequate capital resources or both.
A number of important economic sectors in Saudi Arabia have availed the PIF funding such as petroleum refineries, basic petrochemical industries, pipelines and storages, transportation including maritime, airline, strategic projects owned by the private sectors, the energy sector and water desalination, mineral sectors and its infrastructural facilities such as rail road connection, etc. PIF also has an explicit role in investing and holding equity participations on behalf of the government in certain joint stock companies and in administering such participations on its behalf and representing it in respect thereof.
Saudi Aramco
Saudi Aramco is the state-owned oil company of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and a fully integrated, global petroleum and chemicals enterprise. Over the past 80 years, it has become a world leader in hydrocarbons exploration, production, refining, distribution, shipping and marketing, and the world’s top exporter of crude oil and natural gas liquids (NGLs). Saudi Aramco’s oil and gas production infrastructure leads the industry in scale of production, operational reliability, and technical advances.
Its plants and the people who run them make Saudi Aramco the world’s largest crude oil exporter, producing roughly one in every eight barrels of the world’s oil supply. The company maintains the world’s largest spare crude oil production capacity. Saudi Aramco is headquartered in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, with offices and operations throughout the Kingdom, employing more than 61,000 workers worldwide from 77 countries.
SABIC(Saudi Basic Industries Corporation)
Ranked among the world’s largest petrochemicals manufacturers, SABIC is a public company based in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. 70% of the Company’s shares are owned by the Saudi Arabian government, with the remaining 30% held by private investors in Saudi Arabia and other countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council.
SABIC began in 1976 by Royal decree and today has operations in over 50 countries with a global workforce of over 40,000 talented individuals.
SABIC’s principle corporate offices and headquarters are in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia with major industrial operations in the industrial city of Al-Jubail on the Arabian Gulf, as well as in Yanbu on the Red Sea.